Friday, August 28, 2009
trhe latest from K1man
From: K1MAN
Date: 28 August 2009
cc: Laura L. Smith, Esq.
Fred Osterman, Universal Radio
K1TP (for publication)
K1MAN does not negotiate with black mailers or terrorists. Your
alleged successful attempt, as a representative of the Woodpecker Net
on 40 meters, to blackmail Universal Radio, is noted here with much
disgust and interest.
As did the late Walter Cronkite, KB2GSD, Fred Osterman, President of Universal Radio, has caved in on two occasions to this 2nd grade FCC
mentality blackmail: "I don't like Billy because Johnny likes Billy
and I don't like Johnny." In your case, you threatened to defame
Universal Radio if they associate with K1MAN, and Riley Hollingsworth
(currently an ARRL Vice Director, understand) apparently did not like
Glenn. Hollingsworth is an allegedly fifth rate and corrupt former
FCC lawyer who was sick on the day they taught law at law school, in
my Amateur and Professional opinion. The alleged anti K1MAN/pro ARRL
faction threatened Cronkite with "..If you are associated with K1MAN
(he did an ID for the K1MAN Bulletin Service) then we will accuse you
of being a child molester....." Cronkite folded like a cheap suit
and even wrote a letter asking the FCC to not grant the K1MAN renewal,
as they have not do so far for over four years. We will see how Ms.
Smith stacks up; so far she seems to be in lock step, but we shall
Interference to K1MAN bulletins is an alleged felony, and FCC
encouragement of this is also an alleged felony. We are building a
stack of affidavits for formal criminal charges with the U.S. Attorney
in this regard.
We understand that Universal Radio no longer offers a free book and
free shipping, and this will be so noted in due course on the web site, after K1MAN puts the fourth and fifth
transmitters on the air for 5 band amateur radio information bulletin
service world wide coverage.
Any further attempts to blackmail K1MAN will not be welcomed!
Blackmail is also an alleged felony!
73 and GL
Glenn A. Baxter, P.E., K1MAN
Saturday, August 22, 2009
rrap 6 30 06
the Supreme Court's decision that the FCC overstepped its authority when
it allowd the broadcast flag, I and others have come to completely
mistrust that government organization. We are now mobilizing to resist
the FCC until Congress intervenes to correct the situation.
Toward that end, we have established the K1MAN Defense Fund and will
soon be seeking donations. If you share my belief that the FCC is
derelict in its duity, please help amateur radio by contributing to the
fund. Just as soon as the ARRL completes the paperwork to establish
itself as custodian of the K1MAN Defense Fund, further details will be
posted both here and in the pages of QST.
The FCC must not be allowed to continue its abuse of the radio services
at the behest of Washington lobbyists.
73, Paul W. Schleck, K3FU (phonetics: kay three fuck you)
Finger for PGP Public Key
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
rrap 602206
these morons on 14.275 Mhz talking about Glenn Baxter, and one of them
was Disco Dan W4NTI. Now I can understand that these "cry-babies" are
pissed off at Baxter and VE7KFM, but you would think these morons
would have better things to talk about them those two. I mean there
are a million other things they should talk about instead of those
two, I mean I can come up with millions of topics that don't relate to
Baxter or VE7KFM. But no, these inbred are obsessed with those two
that their on air behavior is almost embarrassing. They are in fact a
primary example of radio operators who take their hobby to seriously
and either need to back off of it for a while or be removed from the
service, because like Baxter and VE7KFM, their behavior is not wanted
on the amateur bands. No amateur should bad mouth another amateur on
the air, especially on a HF band.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Email re: K1MAN
Dear Attorney Smith,
I'm Bob Sherin, W4ASX, the person alluded to in K!MAN's letter to you that has been made public. There was a time when I was very much a part of the his Bulletin Service. But it didn't take me long to come around to a position against it, when the service started supporting revolutions in far off lands.
The interview Baxter refers to was indeed done, but it was a private endeavor on my part where I paid my own way. Baxter was fortunate to have gotten the material.
In no way do I endorse his present activities. Indeed I find him a classical narcissist (he has admitted same) polluting the airwaves. Please feel free to call me; I know a lot about his operation, both operationally and legally.
Bob Sherin, W4ASX
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Over the past two weeks we have been getting complaints that Newsline is jamming and in other ways harassing users of the frequency of 14.275 MHz on the 20 meter band.
For the record, we at the Amateur Radio Newsline are information providers only. We have no broadcast equipment and we air nothing ourselves. Our audio content is distributed over the Internet and by automated telephone and is formatted for retransmission specifically over VHF and UHF FM repeaters because that is where we believe that it belongs. It was never intended for retransmission on the High Frequency bands, however there are some hams who have chosen to do so for reasons known only to themselves.
If you are among those being interfered with on 14.275 MHz and live within the United States or its possessions, we suggest you obtain the call letters of the station that is doing the rebroadcast that is interfering with you and file a formal complaint with the FCC. It is the responsibility of that Federal Government agency to police the airwaves and only that agency can solve your problem.
That said, we would also question why anyone would even want to operate on or near 14.275 MHz. That is a frequency with a long history of being the home of numerous problems in our service.
With so many other frequencies available on 20 meters alone, there would seem to be no reason to congregate on 14.275 MHz other than to satisfy ones own voyeuristic needs. And in our humble view, that is not a good reason to tune a radio to that frequency.
If you cannot help yourself and feel a need to be there, please do not call or e-mail us to say that you were jammed or harassed. We will only respond that we warned you not to waste your time operating on or near 14.275.
There is simple solution to the problem of 14.275 MHz or any other frequency like it. Just don't bother listening and forget those who are making it into a mess even exist. (ARNewsline™)
It appears as if all references to Glenn Baxter, K1MAN, have been
removed from the on-line encyclopedia Wikipedia. According to a
posting from the Wikipedia operators dated this past April 29th, the
content previously posted in User Talk area of the concerning Baxter
was not the sort of information that Wikipedia is intended for.
Now, trying to do a search on Wikipedia for the call sign K1MAN or any
combination of Baxter's name or his name and call yields no results.
The same holds true when you search for either his American Amateur
Radio Association or International Amateur Radio Network.
Baxter, who has yet to pay a $21,000 fine issued by the FCC is also
still not listed on the call sign database and is still
prevented from posting anything on the on-line pages on that site.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
rrap 10 6 05
> K1MAN transmissions are completely legal, and always
> have been, despite the lunatic ravings of a few Baxter
> haters who make up lies about Baxter.
January 29, 2002
Mr. Glenn A. Baxter
RR1 Box 779
Belgrade Lakes, ME 04918
Re: Amateur Radio license K1MAN
Dear Mr. Baxter:
On May 14, 1999, after numerous complaints about your Amateur station
regarding broadcasting, deliberate interference, failure to identify, poor
signal quality and erratic starting and stopping times, personnel from the
Boston office of the Commission monitored your station and attempted to
inspect it. There was no one present at your station while it was
transmitting on Amateur Service frequencies. The transmissions continued
while Commission personnel went to your residence at 1 Long Point Road, but
there was no one present there either. Again on May 15 while your station
was transmitting, Commission personnel attempted an inspection but there was
no one present.
Since the Amateur Radio Service rules require that Amateur stations be under
the control of a control operator, and that the control operator must ensure
the immediate proper operation of the station, we requested by letter dated
June 25, 1999, that you provide information to the Commission, pursuant to
Section 308(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, regarding the
operation of your Amateur station. You responded by letter dated July 25,
1999, but your response failed to provide the information we requested. We
notified you of that fact by letter dated August 4, 1999, and detailed the
inadequacies of your response.
Specifically, you did not provide the name, address or phone number of the
control operator for any of the "broadcasts" or "bulletins" such as
prerecorded interviews, transmissions of answering machine responses, live
interviews, or live, pre-recorded or automated station identifications
transmitted by your station. Among other deficiencies of the response, you
did not provide dates and times Amateur station K1MAN transmitted without a
control operator.
You also stated in your July 25, 1999 reply that you had not received our
June 25 letter by certified mail and that our letter had "misrepresented
itself as Certified Mail". We reminded you that you had signed the certified
receipt for that letter, and we provided you with a copy of that certified
You responded to our August 4 letter by letter dated August 24, 1999. During
our review of the information you provided, your Amateur station ceased
operation. As a result, we held our inquiry in abeyance. The U.S. District
Court in Maine subsequently dismissed your lawsuit against the Commission,
and dismissed your petition for reconsideration of that dismissal as well.
You recently resumed operation of Amateur station K1MAN. In view of that
resumption and the resulting complaints we are receiving about deliberate
interference, threats against those who do not relinquish frequencies for
your use or who would complain, or who have complained, erratic operation,
broadcasting, unauthorized tape recording and broadcast of telephone
conversations, business use of an Amateur station and lack of station
control, we have resumed our inquiry into the operation of K1MAN.
In reviewing your letter dated August 24, 1999, referenced above, and your
actions subsequent to coming back on Amateur frequencies, it appears that
your understanding of certain Amateur Radio Service rules may be incorrect.
We will outline the apparent misunderstandings below.
Amateur Station Control
With regard to control of an Amateur station, your letter of August 24
indicated that the control device for your station was a "Radio Shack
timer", and that the control points for the station were "the main power
switch at the transmitter site" and at the location of the control operator,
wherever that may be". You further stated that on the dates in question, May
14 and 15, 1999, you were the control operator and were in "both Belgrade
Lakes and Augusta in either mobile or portable modes".
Section 97.7 of the Commission's rules states that "when transmitting, each
Amateur station must have a control operator". Section 97.105 states that
"the control operator must ensure the immediate proper operation of the
station, regardless of the type of control (emphasis added). Section 97.109
states that "each Amateur station must have at least one control point", and
that the control operator must be at the control point when the station is
locally controlled or remotely controlled.
Section 97.7 further states that a control operator need not be at the
control point if a station is automatically controlled. However, as Section
97.109 also explains, only stations specifically designated in Part 97, such
as a space, repeater, beacon or auxiliary station, may be controlled
automatically. There is no provision in Part 97 that allows an Amateur
station transmitting information bulletins to be automatically controlled.
In summary, your control of the station by a "Radio Shack timer" while you
are absent from your Amateur station is a violation of the Commission's
Rules. You were not in control of your station on May 14 and 15, 1999 while
you were in "both Belgrade Lakes and Augusta in either mobile or portable
modes". Your statement in your response that "K1MAN has never transmitted
during the current license term without a control operator acting in full
compliance with rules 97.105 and 97.109 as well as all other applicable FCC
rules" is untrue.
Simply put, to comply with Commission rules, you must be at the transmitter,
or at the transmitter control point, every moment your station is
transmitting, when your station is locally or remotely controlled. If the
station is controlled by telecommand from the control point using a radio
link, the frequencies used for telecommand must comply with the Section
97.201 requirements for an auxiliary station (may transmit only on the 1.25
m and shorter wavelength bands, except 219-220, 222-222.150, 431-433 and
435-438 MHz segments).
Publishing a Transmitting Schedule & Interference
It appears that you may be under the misconception that by publishing a
transmitting schedule of K1MAN, you have certain rights under Commission
rules regarding the control operator and frequency sharing requirements that
you would not otherwise have.
With regard to the requirement for a control operator, publishing a schedule
does not relieve you of that requirement in any way whatsoever. Section
97.113(d) of the Amateur Radio rules states that by publishing a schedule of
transmissions at least 30 days in advance, a control operator of a club
station may accept compensation for the periods of time when the station is
transmitting...information bulletins, providing certain additional
conditions are met. Publishing a schedule of proposed transmissions,
therefore, relates only to a club station control operator accepting
compensation. We note that this is irrelevant to the operation of K1MAN
because K1MAN is not a club station.
Simply put, to the extent that you start your transmissions on top of
ongoing communications of other amateur service stations, you will be
engaging in deliberate interference, in violation of Section 97.101 of the
Commission's rules. No amateur service frequency is assigned for the
exclusive use of any station. Your publishing an intended transmission
schedule does not exempt you from that rule.
Threats to Complainants and Other Users
Your sending "Felony Complaint Affidavits" to other Amateur Service
licensees who complain or intend to complain of your operation, or who do
not relinquish frequencies to you, was the subject of a Warning letter to
you dated December 11, 2001. You have also been warned about such "Felony
Complaint Affidavits" by the United States Attorney in Maine.
The Commission will view any threats made by telephone, through the U.S.
Mail or on radio frequencies to Amateur Radio licensees who file complaints
with the Commission, or who do not relinquish frequencies for your use, as
very serious.
We also note that on your web site and in your radio transmissions, you
refer to your transmissions variously as "broadcasts, programs, talk shows,
bulletins, pre-recorded interviews" and so forth. We have received
complaints that you have broadcast comedy shows and commercial messages. We
caution you that Section 97.113(b) of the Amateur service rules prohibits
amateur station from engaging in any form of broadcasting. Certain one-way
transmissions, such as information bulletins, are allowed as specified in
the rules.
Tape Recording and Broadcasting Telephone Conversations
We have received and have under review complaints that you have
tape-recorded telephone conversations without the consent of the recorded
party and that you have broadcast such tape recordings. We caution you that
such recording without consent may be in violation of state or federal law.
We will contact you under separate cover regarding those complaints.
In summary, it is very important for you to understand that we will review
all valid complaints concerning the operation of your Amateur station, and
that Commission personnel will again inspect your station. The rules of the
Amateur Service are straightforward and easy to understand. To the extent
that you do not comply with Commission rules regarding the Amateur Radio
Service, then to that extent enforcement action will be taken against your
licenses. That enforcement action may include revocation of your station
license, suspension of your operator license, a modification proceeding to
restrict your operating privileges, or monetary forfeiture.
It is also important for you to understand that if these matters are not
resolved, your operator/primary station licenses will not be routinely
renewed; but instead will be designated for hearing before an Administrative
Law Judge. In such a proceeding, you would have the burden of proof to show
that your licenses should be renewed.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
rrap 106005
sociopathic ravings of a small vocal group of hams who
claim he is doing something illegal.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
RRAP 10 17 05
K1MAN anymore. It wouldn't be right, him not having a valid license and
all... He needs a new name! Anyhow, I ran across an article on qrz that
offered the perfect solution.
---begin article
Madonna reinvented herself. So did Prince, and P-Diddy, and Elvis is
known simply as "The King." Today I gave Glenn a few suggestions before
finally settling on a new moniker.
Here are my suggestions (with comments):
"Ex-K1MAN" (too formal)
"The unemployed person formerly known as K1MAN" (too accurate)
"X-Man" (too cartoonish)
"Bobo" (rhymes with Hobo and Homo)
Hmmmm. Now we're getting somewhere! The long form could be "Bobo the
Homo Hobo..."
This name (while long) seems completely appropriate, because Bobo is
friendly and unassuming (like Glenn) and Homo means Man, and a Hobo is
someone who is disenfranchised... and since Glenn is about to become
disenfranchised, it fits. I like it!
Since his license expires today, I suggest we refer to ex-K1MAN as
"Bobo the Friendly Clown!"
---end article
Anyhow, there you have it. Baxter's new name is Bobo the Homo Hobo - or
just Bobo the Friendly Clown. I think Bobo the Homo Hobo has a better
ring. Or just plain Bobo.
Here's the website referenced in the article...
Until next time,
This has been Johnny Johnson with your Radio Minute...
John Johnston
Monday, August 3, 2009
a/k/a IARN. Baxter has made only one contribution to ham radio: He has
legitimized information bulletins put out by stations other than W1AW.
His other boasts are the sheer fantasy of a guy with a Radio Shack tape
recorder fancying himself another CNN.
Up to now, I have not been an ARRL supporter, but I think current
circumstances make membership in ARRL mandatory for all of us. That's
because the hobby/service has never before been under this much siege
on account of the escalating computer revolution.
Whatever you say about the ARRL -- self serving promotion, stacked
elections, censorship of views with which it disagrees -- it is, in
fact, the only institution positioned to help our hobby/service survive
Today it has my vote and soon my membership dollars. Rather than tilt
against ARRL, I believe it is time to work within the organization to
make it the democratic institution we'd all like to see.
Bob Sherin, W4ASX
Saturday, August 1, 2009
"The League has mismanaged emergency funds in my opinion," says AARA
Executive Director, Glenn Baxter, K1MAN. "If ARRL spent as much effort
on emergency communications as they do lobbying against K1MAN's FCC
license in Washington, they might have much greater success competing
with IARN on the disaster communications front," according to Mr.
Baxter. "Their focus seems to be on their dwindling membership," says
the leader of the American Amateur Radio Association and arch rival of
See the attached League articles. (While not yet a radio amateur!)
NEWINGTON, CT, Oct 6, 2005--Sarah Dorsey, a native of West Hartford,
Connecticut, is the ARRL's new--and first--Membership Manager. She
officially assumed her duties at ARRL Headquarters October 5. Her
primary focus will be on developing membership recruitment and
retention strategies to increase membership growth. She'll also support
member and customer service. WHILE NOT YET A RADIO AMATEUR, Dorsey says
she's "absolutely" looking forward to the challenge of her new
responsibilities, and a ham radio licensing class is on her short list.
"I enjoy work that is personally meaningful," she said. "I've been
fascinated with learning about ham radio operators and the crucial role
they played and continue to perform in the rescue and recovery efforts
for Katrina and Rita. I look forward to the day when I'll also be able
to work side by side with our members."
Dorsey attended Green Mountain College in Vermont and is a graduate of
Charter Oak College in Connecticut. Prior to coming to the League, she
served as recruitment marketing manager for a non-profit health care
services organization in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where she managed
recruitment and retention initiatives.
Her professional background also includes management, marketing and
recruitment positions in various disciplines of the healthcare and
human services markets. Dorsey says she's now ready for a new challenge
that requires essentially the same skill set.
ARRL COO Harold Kramer, WJ1B, anticipates that Dorsey's past experience
will fold right into the League's goal of boosting membership and
retaining current members. "More important, we look forward to her
providing even more value and benefits to being an ARRL member," Kramer
said. "Sarah will become a very visible part of the ARRL team at
hamfests and conventions, and she is looking forward to meeting many of
our members and prospective members."
ARRL Sales and Marketing Manager Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV, earlier
this year announced the search for a Membership Manager to target
membership recruitment and retention. He says having Dorsey on board in
that role is part of an overall strategy to "look beyond many of the
League's current organizational paradigms regarding membership."
Dorsey recalled occasionally driving past the Maxim Memorial Station
W1AW building while growing up in the Greater Hartford area. "That
little brick building is definitely a landmark," she remarked, adding
that she never anticipated one day working on behalf of Amateur Radio
at ARRL Headquarters. "Now everywhere I go, I'm starting to notice